Friday, April 29, 2016


Visitors here can know one thing for certain. The singular, most driving motivation I have for maintaining this space is to shed light; to respectfully offer something of value to critical discourse about what we’ve been given to hold sacred about Human Sexuality. It’s precisely that impetus that keeps me here, compels me to re-examine the “givens” of human existence in ways that lift us up, rather than mow us down.

And in the scheme of how we choose our directions in life, this is pretty important, I think. Motivations count. In and of themselves, they’re repositories of power, fully capable of doing pernicious harm or bestowing us with healing.

So recently, when a certain misogynist buffoon currently bidding for the US Presidency argued that some sort of punishment would be in order for women who choose abortion should the laws in the US change, the need to raise our voices yet again resounded with new urgency. Now as ever, there seems little left for actual human beings to do except call this craziness out, in word and in deed, for the insulting, oppressive and invasive denial of basic human rights that it is.

I’m not sure when it is that most of us become aware that having agency - that is, having the right to self-determination - is inextricably bound to the status of being human. For many of us, I think, that spark of illumination comes sometime in the pre-dawn of infancy, when we want with all our hearts to escape the steamy confines of suddenly too-tight wombs. And in the synchrony of primal energies that we surely take for granted, most of us emerge when the time is right, our entrance into the waking world catalyzed largely on our own, by powerful, mystical essentially inscrutable forces within us. For the most part, the maternal bodies that host us take their cues from our own, the onset of labor almost always induced by developmental changes in the fetus itself.