Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Pulse Massacre

Here’s what I know in my soul about what went down recently in that LGBTQ+ club in Orlando. Given the violent devotion to bigotry that formed the foundation of the US, the carnage in Orlando was inevitable. Just as the appalling body count we in the US rack up every day due to our egotistical infatuation with guns is, apparently, inevitable. Penis envy at its most deadly, I would say. The bigger the better, right? Especially when it comes to assault weapons, capable of the most mind-blowing, rapid repeat ejaculations…

Let me be clear. This is not to say that there aren’t millions of well-meaning peace-loving souls here who would rather lose a limb than hurt an innocent other; our world has legions of such selfless individuals - humanists - who understand and actively embody the moral imperative of treating others as they themselves would want to be treated.
